• 42122 Kel. Banjar Agung Kec. Cipocok Jaya Kota Serang - INA


N. Wiwin Starting her career since 2016, as a MSME Trainer, ISO Auditor, MSME Product Curator, MSME PLUT Consultant, Master Mentor, National Facilitator of BPOM RI, Halal Facilitator, SNI Facilitator, she has assisted more than 10.000 WMSMEs throughout Indonesia and has fostered more than 300 Mentors throughout Indonesia. Received an award as a Master Mentor with the widest reach and an Achievement predicate from the Ministry of Cooperatives and Mercy Corp Indonesia as the Most Innovative Consultant from the Ministry of Cooperatives of the Republic of Indonesia, the Best Facilitator Award for the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Level UP program, she is the Owner of a Service and Trading Company, PT. Wins Karya Sejahtera. She is also works on various projects with the government, local and international NGOs like APWINC ( Asia Pasific Womens’s Information Network Center) and the communities and she is a lecture Tehnic Informatica at Salakanagara University.