• 42122 Kel. Banjar Agung Kec. Cipocok Jaya Kota Serang - INA

ceo's remarks



We express our gratitude to God Almighty ALLAH SWT for His grace and blessings. This Profile is to inform the existence and activities of the Association of National Professional Mentors, which aims to be a platform for mentors across Indonesia with the following objectives:

  • Developing and enhancing the knowledge and skills of the mentors for community welfare through empowerment and mentoring activities.
  • Focusing on guidance and assistance for the community.
  • Creating and promoting professional, high-quality, and prosperous mentors.
  • Increasing protection and advocacy for mentors and the community.

The profile of PROPENAS is limited and still needs some improvements, for all constructive criticism and suggestions for improvements in the coming years we’ll be grateful.

Finally, we extend our gratitude to all parties who have assisted in providing data and compiling this profile. May God Almighty continually guide us and grant us the strength to spread goodness and benefits for mentors and MSMEs across Indonesia.

Banten, December 2022