• 42122 Kel. Banjar Agung Kec. Cipocok Jaya Kota Serang - INA

PROPENAS stands for the National Professional Association of Consultants for MSMEs, initiated by the PLUT (SME’s Integrated Service Centre) Consultant, PROPENAS was established on December 12, 2022. PROPENAS Legal Entity is in the form of an Association. With the Decree of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights No. AHU-0007255.AH.01.07.YEAR 2023 concerning the Ratification of the Establishment of the National Professional Association of Consultants for MSMEs. The headquarters is in Serang City, Banten Province. PROPENAS members consist of the Consultants, Institutions or any Individuals as observers or activists.

PROPENAS carried out the Declaration on October 28, 2023 in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, attended by the DIY Regional Government, National Community Institutions, the Press and the PROPENAS National Leadership Council which was attending online and offline.

PROPENAS’s Values are Justice, Independence, Professionalism, Togetherness, Kinship; Anti-extortion; Anti-corruption; Equality and non-discrimination; National and International Solidarity.

PROPENAS as an association is voluntary and open, Democratic, and Responsible. PROPENAS has functions :

  • Oriented towards Guidance and assistance for MSMEs.
  • Realizing professional, quality and prosperous MSME Consultants
  • As well as Advocacy and legal protection for Consultants and MSMEs.

We've Repution for Excellence

We Build Partnerships

Guided by Commitment

A Team of Professionals


