• 42122 Kel. Banjar Agung Kec. Cipocok Jaya Kota Serang - INA


"To become a leading professional consulting institution that has the best quality, credibility and competence for cooperatives and MSMEs throughout Indonesia"

PROPENAS is committed to becoming a leading Professional Consultant Institution that can carry out all assistance and consultancy work for MSMEs in particular and the community in general by having credibility and competence based on the expertise of the consultants, in carrying out every work in the assistance process for MSMEs throughout Indonesia with the hope that PROPENAS can help the government in encouraging economic growth and contributing for communities throughout Indonesia through MSME development.



  • Building Collaboration and Cooperation amongst Institutions, for Progressive Organization
  • Encouraging Members for Professional Education and Training to Support the Performance
  • Building Cooperation and Development of Business Units for Member’s Welfare
  • Encouraging Cooperatives and MSMEs in Developing Digitalization and Obtaining Business Legality
  • Providing Access to Capital and Access to the market for Cooperatives and MSMEs
  • Providing Education and training to Improve Human Resources for Cooperatives and MSMEs