• 42122 Kel. Banjar Agung Kec. Cipocok Jaya Kota Serang - INA

Nasakti Nasution

Nasakti Nasution, managed small business and provide consulting services for the development of MSMEs In 1993-2000, including assisting MSME partnership programs with finance institutions. Also assist in the economic development of transmigration communities, making credit proposals and providing experts/consultants for MSME development. In the period time of 2001 – 2023 was consultant for the development of MSMEs for the Indonesian Central Bank (BI), involved in various BI activities (as a communicator/trainer/consultant). i.e. empowerment program for financial consultant for bank partnership (BDS-P/KKMB), increasing credit access to financed MSMEs, research/economic base line survey, development of flagship product clusters, empowerment sharia economics, economic empowerment to subsistence business groups, MSMEs digitalization and curation etc.

Training materials that have been provided especially in the context of increasing access to financing, i.e. include preparation of feasibility studies, credit management, credit proposals, handling problem loans and business planning.