• 42122 Kel. Banjar Agung Kec. Cipocok Jaya Kota Serang - INA


Mela Sandra started her career in 2016 as an administrative and management staff for marketing, HR, and operations in a project. In 2018 I just started working as an MSME assistant working at PLUT MSME Banten Province. Experienced and has assisted more than 1200 MSMEs throughout Indonesia and has a BNSP Digital Marketing and MSME Curator certificate.

I also have experience in developing, training, and mentoring as many as 500 budding entrepreneurs in entrepreneurship development programs among students. Apart from being an MSME assistant, I also work as a teacher/lecturer at Primagraha University, Serang Banten. I am the CEO of MELBAR (Mediterranean Line Building Architects) which operates in the field of interior design and construction