• 42122 Kel. Banjar Agung Kec. Cipocok Jaya Kota Serang - INA


Starting his career as Champion 1 of the Pioneer Youth in the field of education in 2016 in Cirebon Regency, continuing as a Companion of One Pesantren One Product, one of the leading programs of the Governor of West Java, Companion of UMKM of the Cooperative and UMKM Service of Cirebon, Halal Companion at the Syekh Nurjati Cyber ​​State Islamic University of Cirebon, Enumerator Coordinator for UMKM data collection, UMKM Consultant who has assisted more than 2000 UMKM in West Java, Young Lecturer at the Syekh Nurjati Cyber ​​State Islamic University of Cirebon and is currently pursuing a Doctoral Program in Islamic Family Law.